2017 News Archive

Daniel Afosah was named a Future Glycogen leader for the 2017 InterPEG conference.
April 13, 2017
Daniel Afosah, a graduate student in Dr. Umesh Desai’s lab, was named a Future Glycogen leader for the 2017 InterPEG conference. This annual conference is in association with Dr. Desai’s NIH/NHLBI, Chemistry and Biology of Heparan Sulfate grant.

Daniel Afosah named the Department of Medicinal Chemistry’s 2017 J. Doyle Smith Award for Outstanding Graduate student.
April 12, 2017
Daniel Afosah named the Department of Medicinal Chemistry’s 2017 J. Doyle Smith Award for Outstanding Graduate student.

In collaboration with the Dr. Erin Wall from the Laboratory of Molecular Biology
February 10, 2017
In collaboration with the Dr. Erin Wall from the Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD and research colleague, Gail Christie, Ph.D. from VCU Department of Microbiology and Immunology.
“Structural Modeling and Functional Analysis of the Essential Ribosomal Processing Protease Prp from Staphylococcus Aureus”. Wall, E. A., Johnson, A. L., Peterson, D.L., Christie, G.E., 2017 February 10, Molecular Microbiology

Dr. Desai’s lab published in Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
January 26, 2017
“Potent, Selective, Allosteric Inhibition of Human Plasmin by Sulfated Non-Saccharide Glycosaminoglycan Mimetics”. Afosah, D.K., Al-Horani, R.A., Sankaranarayanan, N.V., Desai, U.R., 2017 January 26; 60(2): 641-657, J. Med. Chem.

In collaboration with John B. Mangrum from the Food and Drug Administration
January 1, 2017
In collaboration with John B. Mangrum from the Food and Drug Administration, “Comparative analysis of INLIGHT™-labeled enzymatically depolymerized heparin by reverse-phase chromatography and high-performance mass spectrometry”. Mangrum JB, Mehta AY, Alabbas AB, Desai UR, Hawkridge AM., Anal Bioanal Chem. 2017 Jan; 409(2):499-509

Published in collaboration with Dr. Stefan Oscarson and his research group from the University College of Dublin
February 20, 2017
“A Hexasaccharide Containing Rare 2-O-Sulfate-Glucuronic Acid Residues Selectively Activates Heparin Cofactor II”. Sankarayanan, NV, Strebel T.R., Boothello, R.S., Sheerin, K., Raghuraman, A., Sallas, F. Mosier, P.D., Watermeyer, N.D. Oscarson, S Desai, U.R., 2017 February 20; 56(9): 2312-2317, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed Engl.

Paper published in collaboration with Bhaumik Patel
February 9, 2017
This paper was published in collaboration with Bhaumik Patel, MD and his research group from the Hunter Holmes McGuire Hospital and VCU Massey Cancer Center.
“A molecular dynamics-based algorithm for evaluating the glycosaminoglycan mimicking potential of synthetic, homogenous, sulfated small molecules”. Nagarajan, B., Sankaranarayanan, N.V., Patel, B.B., Desai, U.R., 2017 February 9, PLoS One

Congratulations to Dr. Martin Safo on receiving a $600,000 NIH equipment grant.
March 15, 2017
Congratulations to Dr. Martin Safo on receiving a $600,000 NIH equipment grant for an X-ray crystallographic data collection system, project period 03/15/17 – 03/14/18.

Brianna Mackie has completed her graduate program in Medicinal Chemistry
July 12, 2017
Congratulations to Brianna Mackie who graduated and obtained her doctorate degree in Medicinal Chemistry. Dr. Mackie is now a Project Specialist for a Clinical Trial Company in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Dr. Rong Huang accepts faculty position at Purdue University
July 11, 2017
Dr. Huang is Associate Professor at Purdue University’s College of Pharmacy in the Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology. We wish her much success in her endeavors.

Daniel Asofah has completed the Medicinal Chemistry graduate program.
July 13, 2017
Daniel Asofah has completed the Medicinal Chemistry graduate program. He will remain at the Institute as a postdoctoral researcher. Congratulations Dr. Asofah.

Dr. Darrell Peterson Published in Scientific Reports
September 11, 2017
Dissecting the structural basis of MEIG1 interaction with PACRG.
Li W, Walavalkar NM, Buchwald WA, Teves ME, Zhang L, Liu H, Bilinovich S, Peterson DL, Strauss JF 3rd, Williams DC Jr, Zhang Z.

Dr. Umesh Desai and Associates Published in Pulmonary Pharmacology and Therapeutics
September 11, 2017
Truong TM, Li H, Dhapare S, Desai UR, Voelkel NF, Sakagami M.

Dr. Martin Safo and His Research Team Published in Molecular Pharmaceutics
September 11, 2017
Xu GG, Pagare PP, Ghatge MS, Safo RP, Gazi A, Chen Q, David T, Alabbas AB, Musayev FN, Venitz J, Zhang Y, Safo MK, Abdulmalik O.

Srinivas Sistla, Ph.D. joined ISB3D
September 11, 2017
Srinivas Sistla, Ph.D. joined ISB3D effective September 1, 2017 as Core Facilities Manager for the Institute. Dr. Sistla is a former product manager (label-free interaction analysis) for GE Healthcare.

Congratulations to Dr. Martin Safo
September 11, 2017
Congratulations to Dr. Martin Safo, who received $30,000 from Bioverativ for “Determining the Crystal Structure of Variant of Modified Hemoglobin.”

March 27, 2018
Congratulations to Shravan Morla who received the Peter and Sian Byron Travel Award. He received this award from VCU’s School of Pharmacy, which allowed him to present a poster at the Inter-PEG (Programs in Excellence in Glycosciences) annual conference, in San Diego, California, March 2018.

Institute Awards Postdoctoral Research Grants
October 11, 2017
Congratulations to Drs. Huiqun Wang and Rio Boothello recipients of the Donald J. Abraham Postdoctoral Research Award. Dr. Huiqun Wang has proposed to study the potential of treating MS through activating the LPA6 receptor. There appears to be good preliminary evidence for the role of LPA6 in MS, making this is project of potentially high significance. Dr. Wang is part of Dr. Yan Zhang’s research group. Dr. Rio Boothello of Dr. Bhaumik Patel’s research group proposed to study the killing of cancer stem cells by modulation of the pp38/pERK ratio. This work appears to have been fruitful thus far, with very interesting preliminary data presented.

Analytical Biochemistry Publishes Drs. Keith Ellis and Darrell Peterson’s Abstract
October 18, 2017
Characterization of PKACα enzyme kinetics and inhibition in an HPLC assay with a chromophoric substrate.
Luzi NM, Lyons CE, Peterson, DL, Ellis KC

Balaji Nagarajan, Ph.D. to discuss Exploring a protein structure using Chimera: Modeling missing loops
October 23, 2017
A case study will be used to demonstrate 3-D protein structure visualizations, and how to identify and model missing loops in Chimera, a molecular visualization and analysis tool. *Attendees are required to bring a laptop. If you will need to borrow a loaner laptop, please contact gaukh@vcu.edu. This is a 90-minute session. Go to http://vcu.libcal.com/event/3603462 to register.

ISB3D's Business Manager is Featured as School of Pharmacy's Staff Spotlight
December 1, 2017
Michelle has been a super-duper staff member of the ISB3D. She takes care of everything with respect to institute facilities, maintenance & repairs, ordering, fiscal reconciliation and outside vendors. In one sentence, she is the 'go-to' person for all ISB3D members. She does all with pleasure and style!

ISB3D Christmas Party 2017
December 14, 2017
Celebrating the season and wishing all of you in the VCU community a safe and enjoyable holiday.

Dr. Martin Safo’s Article is Published in Scientific Reports
December 15, 2017
Sun K, D'Alessandro A, Ahmed MH, Zhang Y, Song A, Ko TP, Nemkov T, Reisz JA, Wu H, Adebiyi M, Peng Z, Gong J, Liu H, Huang A, Wen YE, Wen AQ, Berka V, Bogdanov MV, Abdulmalik O, Han L, Tsai AL, Idowu M, Juneja HS, Kellems RE, Dowhan W, Hansen KC, Safo MK, Xia Y.

Dr. Umesh Desai’s Article is Published in Glyclobiology
December 15, 2017
Immobilization alters heparin cleaving properties of heparinase I.
Bhushan I, Alabbas A, Kuberan B, Gupta RB, Desai UR.

Open Biology Publishes Article of Dr. Umesh Desai and Associates
December 15, 2017
Monneau YR, Luo L, Sankaranarayanan NV, Nagarajan B, Vivès RR, Baleux F, Desai UR, Arenzana-Seidedos F, Lortat-Jacob H.

Dr. Umesh Desai and Dr. Martin Safo is Published in Emerging Microbes and Infections Journal
December 15, 2017
Chiang MJ, Musayev FN, Kosikova M, Lin Z, Gao Y, Mosier PD, Althufairi B, Ye Z, Zhou Q, Desai UR, Xie H, Safo MK.